The Magnetic Woman podcast is a weekly sprinkle of magnetic energy from my corner of the world to yours. It’s my mission to create change - to change how women think and feel, see their power and use their feminine force to become magnetic. I help women to live a life in alignment, elevate their mindset, expand their beliefs and live their vision in life and business. Join me to dig deep into various themes around magnetism with today’s leaders, movers and shakers.
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Ep. 94 -What you Focus on Expands, EXPLAINED
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
I often use the term, 'what you focus on expands' and I've found myself explaining this with lots of new clients recently as we've had lots of new faces join my masterminds.
Let's review...Energy is the force of existence itself which can generate many things on many levels. We know in the law of attraction that we have to match our frequency to create the reality of the things we want to attract; we can manifest what we desire as long as we can realise the level of energy our desire rests in.
This is where understanding what focusing out energy means, and even more importantly, become aware of our energy, clean up our energy stop leaking our energy.
When you become aware of energy I truly believe you can't not get that reality you desire. Everything becomes possible and i've witnessed this again and again with my clients.
In this episode I break down the term 'what you focus on expands' and how to be and LIVE in energetic integrity, exploring:
- Energy management and focus
- How we take on energy that’s not ours
- What it means to be cycle breakers
- What other rituals have I anchored in to activate higher frequencies
- Where to work out your blind spots
- What personally moves through me as I step into the vision of a 7 figure CEO
I hope this brings some inspiration to your ears and some valuable actions to help you master your energy and get new results because of it.
Love and Magnetism
Find out more about my masterminds HERE
Check out my free resources to support your business growth HERE
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Ep. 93 - Are you Nurturing your Pipeline?
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
In this episode I’m going back to my roots and sharing some super basic insight into the anatomy of a marketing funnel and what to do to optimise it right now, based on what’s working in 2023.
Whatever your business or service, there is so much magic (and better results) that come from understanding your client pipeline a.k.a customer journey.
From the moment a new heart enters your world to the moment they buy, there is a whole load of strategies you can put in place to a) nurture that heart with your value and b) collapse the time it takes for them to buy from you, i.e. more impact and sales for you and more transformation for them. It’s a win win.
In this episode I take you through the fundamentals of a marketing pipeline, what to think about at each stage and some of the strategies that are working right now.
It’s a puzzle yes BUT when you understand the components and how they are built into what becomes the eco-system of your business - and the way you make sales on repeat - the game changes.
I really hope this episode gives you the insight you need to scale to your next level.
Join Pipeline Mastery: Elevating Sales Through Audience Nurturing Workshop HERE
Find out more about my masterminds for every stage of business HERE
Book a connection call HERE
Check out my free resources to support your business growth HERE
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Ep. 92 - A Day in the Life of a Multi-6 Figure Coach & Entrepreneur
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
I often say that it's the small things we do daily that have the biggest impact. I truly believe that by nature, humans need routine - and I know this to be even more true for entrepreneurs who are building the capacity to hold more in their worlds.
It can also be super inspiring and interesting to hear the behind the scenes of what business owners do on a regular basis - from their daily rituals to the way they manage their calendars - in order to run their businesses efficiently and with ease. In this episode this is exactly what I'm sharing with you.
You'll have likely heard me share how important I believe consistency to be and I genuinely put a huge amount of how I've grown my business down to the consistency of some really things that I do daily.
In this episode I'm sharing how I manage my client and non clients weeks, the weeks with my daughter vs. without (I co-parent, week on week off), how these weeks differs, how I wake up to how I wind down and everything in-between.
I've been working in this way with these routines for the last 18 months and it really has been a game-changer for me, both in supporting how I show up and support my clients, how I have grown the business but also in how I stay rested, resourced and regulated.
I really hope this gives you insight and inspiration and breaks through some of narrative of what it takes to run a multi-6 figure business. Honestly, the most simple routines and strategies have really seen the biggest impact in my world.
Final call to join my masterminds, which are now 90% full. Find out more HERE
Book a connection call HERE
Check out my free resources to support your business growth HERE
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Ep. 91 - How I Plan and Launch my Masterminds
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
No one launch is the same in my world - nor for my clients - but there are some key considerations and a process I take myself through to map out what each launch looks like so I can have the outcome I desire.
Everyone wants a successful launch (and deserves one) so I’m excited to take you behind the scenes of my mind and my business in this episode, sharing what happens inside my brain - and in my spreadsheets and processes - to create the foundations of a juicy and expansive launch.
In this episode I share:
- My method for planning and executing a successful launch
- How I choose my conversions events, based on elements of the overall timeline
- From pre-pre launch to review, what I’m thinking and creating
- How I map out my content strategy
- How we as a team execute each element of the launch
- Why I personally onboard my clients
- What data I’m checking in on and why
- How I review my launches
As someone who has experienced a lot of launches over the past seven years, I’m open to saying I’ve had my ups and downs and I hope that this podcast gives you some insight into how you can make your launches work for you, give you space and ultimately, get the outcome you desire.
Find out more about my masterminds here
Book a connection call here
Check out my free resources to support your business growth here
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
The third in the series of celebrating some of the many incredible clients I get to work with, this episode introduces Naomi Dacosta, Design Recruiter & Founder of NDC Creative Recruitment.
I’ve worked with Naomi in shorter containers over the years and in March 2023 she committed to spending 6 whole months in Expand to 7, with a focus of really honing in on her thought leadership and specifically on the platform, LinkedIn.
We took to refining her messaging and what made her really unique and then creating a marketing plan that spoke to her authority in the industry and the topics that would allow her to stand out.
What I love about Naomi’s journey is that the results she saw from her visibility in this way were almost instant with new clients showing immediately, one week resulting in a £30k week. This visibility strategy also presented other opportunities for her to step into, which whilst took her out of her comfort zone, felt like the exact next step for her.
In this episode we explore:
- How Naomi moved through her fears of being visible
- The mindset required to step into next level thought leadership
- Specifically how she uplevelled her visibility and the results she saw
Naomi has so many aha moments that she shares in this episode and I know you’ll get so much from it.
Find out more about NDC - https://ndc-creative.com/
Learn more about Expand to 7 here
Find out more about my masterminds here
Check out my free resources to support your business growth here
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
The next in the series of celebrating some of the many incredible clients I get to work with, this episode introduces Anna Woods, a Leadership & Business Coach and Founder of sustainable retail store, Positive Retail.
Anna and I knew each other personally before she came into my world on a professional level. After working in a very specific way for years climbing the corporate ladder, she realised a year into launching her own business that she was operating in the same way she had back then. Knowing it wasn’t serving her in creating the business she had dreamed of owning - rich in values and with a sustainable approach - she joined The Expansion Accelerator. Fast forward six months and she had created a whole new way of working.
What I love about Anna’s journey is how she found her spiritual side and in letting that lead her, created a business that felt deliciously like home. She always says this approach and way of working was ‘the missing piece of the puzzle’ and I’m honoured to have played a part in this process and journey.
In this episode we explore:
- The turning points that took Anna from a corporate career to changing the face of retail
- How and why she supports women in her leadership coaching, moving them from mid-level to the top
- Our thoughts on identity and self leadership and it being the basis of a solid entrepreneur
- How she opened up to her spiritual side and how this was the missing piece of the puzzle she had been searching for
Anna is an exceptional human being, rich in ambition, inspiration and empowerment. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Find Anna on Instagram here
Find out more about Anna’s Leadership Coaching here
Find Positive Retail on Instagram here
Learn more about The Expansion Accelerator here
Find out more about my masterminds here
Check out my free resources to support your business growth here
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
I’m so thrilled to bring this episode to your ears today because it’s a very special conversation, with a very special client and friend - the one and only - Sally Hatherly-Burns, Founder and CEO of tech start-up, The Portal.
Five years ago I launched my first online programme and Sally was one of two women who joined. Fast-forward 3 years later and she joined me for 18 months in The Expansion Accelerator and in that time she started shaking things up on the online space, started changing the game on online courses and then, shook things up in a big way by launching The Portal.
At the time I said to her “you realise this is just the beginning Sally”, and it was.
At the time of recording this episode she is in the process of getting funding and The Portal is set to be a globally known business. If you don’t know about it, you need to know about it.
In this episode we discuss:
- The turning points that got Sally to where she is today
- How the current landscape of online courses is changing, what’s working and what’s not
- How to create courses that actually have the impact you want them to have
- The mindset required for Sally to fully step into CEO (and how she made that happen)
- Her journey to regulation through energetics to create the safety required to meet this next level
- The mission beyond The Portal, which is women supporting women and why this is so close to her heart
- How she makes it work as a CEO and mother
There are so many golden nuggets of inspiration in this episode and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it.
Find The Portal here
Learn more about The Expansion Accelerator here
Find out more about my masterminds here
Check out my free resources to support your business growth here
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Ep. 87 - 38 Lessons in Life & Business (for my 38th year)
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
This week I'm celebrating my birthday week and when I was thinking about what to bring to the podcast, I thought it would be fun to share 38 lessons in life and business, for my 38th year on earth (this lifetime!).
With 20+ years under my belt in communications and marketing, 7+ years running a now multiple 6 figure business (and set to have our best year yet!), and a whole load of ups, downs and messy middles, I've learnt some valuable lessons.
In this episode, I'm sharing them with you.
Expect a mix of some of my aha-moments, perspectives and lessons from what has been a wild ride these past 38 years.
As a special celebration, I'm doing a flash 38% off birthday sale for everything on my self-leadership page, so head to the link below to claim some powerful resources to help you grow your own business.
Thank you for listening. I really hope this gives you a source of inspiration today.
Claim 38% off everything in my Self Leadership resources here (using the code BIRTHDAY38)
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Find out more about my masterminds here
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Ep.86 - How I Manage the Summer Months as a Mumma and Entrepreneur
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
As July approaches, a topic that comes up every year for those of my clients who have children is 'how will I make this Summer work'.
There is absolutely no one approach or right here BUT I do know there are strategies and processes that can support you so that you are able to step back and enjoy those precious days and moments. I know for me being a co-parent and running a multi-6 figure business that holds up to 50 women at a time, I have to approach the Summer with both my CEO hat on and feeling into my desires as a mum.
In this episode I share:
- How I personally make it work and how this has changed since last year
- What I'm thinking when making decisions that support both my life, and my business
- The trade offs I consider and acknowledge
- Mindset support around getting comfortable with the season of business you're in
- A few tips and tools to create more space for yourself
I love the structure that bringing these plans make in my business, knowing that year on year it gets to change and evolve. I hope this inspires you to do what feels right for you this Summer and know that you do have the capacity to hold it all.
Previous episode mentioned:
How I Mapped Out the Second Half of the Year on a CEO Retreat
Find out more about my masterminds here
Connect with Pandora:
Instagram: @pandorapaloma_
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
I absolutely loved the conversation in this weeks episode because it’s such a beautiful example of how our past doesn’t need to define our future. You'll know exactly what I mean when you start listening.
Meet Sofia, one of my fellow masterminders and a coach who supports other coaches at the early stages of business and their journey to 6 figures.
In this episode we explore:
- Her journey and the big turning points that got her to where she is today
- The huge life experience that led her to scarcity mindset with money and how she got out of it
- How she blends psychology, strategy and energetics in her coaching
- How the industry is changing
- Her thoughts on the future
I know you’ll get so much from this episode, especially in relation to money mindset and being inspired by Sofia’s incredible story.
Find me on Instagram here
Find Sofia on Instagram here
Join Shamanic Secrets to an Abundant Business here
Book a connection call here
Website: www.pandorapaloma.com